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The promotional materials are produced in English by the partnership and consist of paperwork (leaflets and brochures), digital resources and scientific papers in international journals or conferences.


 Kick Off meeting brochures


  Project Leaflet


  Posters of WPs


 Presented poster during the 4th World Congress on ADHD, 6-9 June 2013 Milan Italy


  Virtual presentation on International Conference the Future of Education 3th Edition, Florence 13-14 June 2013


 Presented poster during the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical System CBMS 2013, Univ. of Porto 20-22 June 2013


  Project Leaflet new


  Poster at eL@IES 2014 Portugal


  Leaflet workshop at Messina


  Leaflet workshop at Palermo hospital


  Leaflet final meeting in Italy


  Leaflet training in Portugal


  Leaflet final meeting in Portugal


Abstract/Paper abut WHAAM

The access to these papers are reserved, click here to login.

Chifari A.; Maia M.S.; Bamidis P.; Doherty G.; Bilbow A. and Rinaldi R. (2013). A Project to Foster Behavioural Monitoring in the Field of ADHD. International conference The Future of Education, June, 13-14, Firenze.

Spachos, D., Chiazzese, G., Merlo, G., Doherty, G., Chifari, A. & Bamidis, P. (2014). WHAAM: A Mobile Application for Ubiquitous Monitoring of ADHD Behaviors. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL 2014), November 13-14, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Sanches-Ferreira, M., Chifari, A., Santos, M., Silveira-Maia, M., Alves, S., Merlo, G., Seta, L., Chiazzese, G. (2015). The design of an e-Learning module centered in the use of an innovative Web Health Application for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Monitoring. Proceedings of 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2015), March 2 - 4, Madrid.

Seta L., Chifari, A., Di Giuseppe O., Denaro, P., Sanches-Ferreira, M. and Santos, M. (2015). Building social networks: a Web microportal to promote ADHD monitoring. 2nd International Conference on Medical Education Informatics – MEI 2015, June 18-20, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Taibi, D, Chiazzese, G., Merlo, G., Seta, L. (2015). An ontology to support evidence-based Functional Behavioral Assessments. 2nd International Conference on Medical Education Informatics – MEI 2015, June 18-20, Thessaloniki, Greece.