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The WHAAM project is aimed to improve teacher and parent skills in the observation of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder subjects (aged 7-18) and to create an innovative ICT environment to support caregivers to recognize and manipulate trigger events and/or the consequences that are reinforcing and maintaining the undesirable behaviors, according to cognitive-behavioral strategies.

The choice to focus on parent and teacher training arose from an analysis of many studies on ADHD that have highlighted the need to move school and family from helpless victim mode to observer mode. In order to systematize and simplify the functional analysis of problematic behaviors, the WHAAM project will exploit the potential of ICTs developing a web application aimed to gather behavioral data, define behavior intervention plans and evaluate the efficacy of the treatment.

The kick-off meeting offers an opportunity for school teachers, parents, caregivers and members of local ADHD associations to be informed about the project activities and the expected outcomes. Members of project partnership and experts in the ADHD disorder will introduce the aims and activities of the project, the new approaches and research advances in behavioral monitoring especially in school setting and with the use of information technologies.


Date 25-01-2013, Area della Ricerca del CNR - Aula Cocchiara, via Ugo La Malfa, 153 - Palermo Italy.


 View program brochure.



8.00 Registration Session


9.00 Opening session

Mario Allegra

Head responsible of ITD -  CNR U.O. di Palermo

Antonella Chifari

Co-ordinator of the project


9.30 Chiara Termine

Neuropsichiatra infantile

 ADHD: assessment, diagnosis and comorbidity in children and adolescents  – the role of the health care systems 



10.00 Rosalia Rinaldi

CedAp – Bagheria(PA)

Training Program for Parents and Teachers of pupils with ADHD



10.30 Antonella Chifari – Alberto Mirisola – Gianluca Merlo

Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche – CNR Palermo

Functional Analysis across the life setting of individuals with ADHD: reflecting on the importance of function-based intervention in school setting



11.00 Coffee Break


11.30 Andrea Bilbow


Improvement in the health of individuals with ADHD: what is the role of the associations in Europe?



12.00 Gavin Doherty

Trinity College - IE

How the technologies can support mental care services: the mobile phone as a psycho- educational resource for adhd.



12.30 Manuela Ferreira

Porto Politecnico - PT

Distance Education for development Training Program in Special Needs Education



13.00 Panagiotis Bamidis

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - GR

Technology Enhanced Learning in Medical education



13.30 Closing Session and release of attestations of participation